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2018, twenty-eighteen, two thousand and eighteen is the new year, so:

       2018: With our very best wishes

  Here is a toast to 

 a very productive, successful 2018 from 

and to help you with it, here are two interesting sites you can get ideas from for your classes (they will also be included in the “Resources for Teachers” page:

On the Same Page From this site, I got ideas for collaborative work. It has many interesting ideas and materials for classes.

Another website which I have found can be very useful for you is Chasing Time English: They have short videos on grammar as well as an original drama for English learners called Fortune, which includes a series of materials (videos, worksheets, etc.) for different levels. You can download some for free, to get an idea of what the materials are like.

Hope you enjoy them! And …all the best for 2018!




Desde sus orígenes, el objetivo de PoppieS es ayudarte en la preparación de la oposición a profesores de inglés y contribuir a que la escuela pública ofrezca la enseñanza de calidad –de y en lengua inglesa– que tus alumnos necesitan en el s. XXI

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