English Auxiliaries are ESSENTIAL, NICE, and ORDERLY. Keep them simple and in good company! Part 2
In the previous post THE FIRST PART OF A SET OF THREE, we showed why English Auxiliaries are ESSENTIAL in ways that Spanish Auxiliaries are not.
Now we are going to:
- Showed why there is no future tense in English.
- FINALLY, in the third part: :
- We’ll hint at possible ways of helping our students visually see how to remember “the way it goes in English.”
- Show why focusing on just the verb phrase is not going to help them to communicate in English.
2. Why English Auxiliary Verbs are NICE and ORDERLY
They are N-I-C-E because they are used in:
When negation is expressed in the verb phrase, there NEEDS to be an auxiliary, which is normally in a clitic form (that means it contracts with the “not”). If the positive statement only contains a lexical verb, dummy “do” is required:
I usually go for a walk on Sunday mornings vs. I don’t usually go for walks in the morning.
I can drive vs. I can’t drive.
I’m staying here vs. I’m not staying here.
I’ve done everything vs I haven’t done anything.
In questions which are not about the subject:
Where can I leave the shopping?
Does she often do that”?
Who came late yesterday?
When the structure requires inversion, the appropriate Auxiliary is used:
Such disgusting behaviour did he display that we all left.
Not only can she speak English, Spanish and German fluently, but she also has a working knowledge of Japanese.
A term grammarians use to indicate that auxiliaries are used in:
- Interactions
- to substitute the lexical verb
- to substitute part of the clause
And all this is because:
- The meaning is clear from the co-text or the context:
‘I usually do yoga every morning” = – Suelo hacer yoga todas las mañanas.
‘Do you? I never do…’ = – Ah, ¿sí? Yo no.
Cathay Pacific began giving away free return flights and so did all the rest = Cathay Pacific empezó a dar gratis vuelos de vuelta/de regreso y todas las demás compañías hicieron lo mismo.
- We may also express time or modality nuances:
Although my friend feared the book might not make it through the customs, it did! = aunque mi amiga tenía miedo de/ temía que el libro no consiguiera/lograra/pudiera pasar la aduana, sí que lo hizo/sí que lo logró.
Or this other one from D. Lessing’s The Golden Notebook. HarperCollinsPublishers Fourth Estate edition 2013. Page 408:
‘[…] But I don’t want to know about your life —shouldn’t approve of it anyway, I suppose.’
‘No, I don’t think you would.’
– Pero no quiero saber nada de tu vida/no quiero que me cuentes nada de tu vida – imagino que, de todas formas, no lo aprobaría/no me parecería bien lo que me cuentas.
– No, yo tampoco lo creo/creo que lo hicieras.
Admittedly, only the dummy is “visible” when we wish to emphasise something in the verb phrase:
I do know what you mean = sé/entiendo lo que quieres decir
He does make a real fuss over nothing much = realmente/sí que arma mucho jaleo por nada.
In all the other cases where there is an auxiliary in the verb phrase, emphasis is marked by stressing the auxiliary -or the first auxiliary in the verb phrase if there are several:
“you can’t be serious!” = “¡no puedes hablar en serio!/ ¡no hablas en serio!”
They are ORDERLY because they follow strict rules of exclusion and position:
Exclusive Dummy
If there is a “dummy” auxiliary, all the others are excluded: If we say:
“He doesn’t usually do anything at all on Sundays” = Normalmente los domingos no hace absolutamente nada.
“Did your sister-in-law send you the info about the courses?” = ¿Te ha mandado tu cuñada la información sobre los cursos?
We cannot use any other auxiliary verb in those examples: just the dummy.
Modals first, and mutually exclusive
If there’s a modal, it always comes first and always followed by a bare infinitive. This may be:
- the lexical verb:
You mustn’t answer him back, whatever he says =diga lo que diga, no debes replicarle/contestarle/contradecirle.
I can’t drive = no sé conducir
- the auxiliary after the Modal:
They can’t be still sleeping= no pueden estar durmiendo todavía/no es posible (es imposible) que sigan todavía durmiendo
She can’t have already finished= No puede haber terminado ya/ No es posible (es imposible) que haya terminado ya.
Consequently, since Modals do not have non-finite forms (Infinitive/Gerund-Participle/Past Participle), they are mutually exclusive:
“You must know how to drive, surely!” ** NOT “You must can drive, surely”
“No, I can’t. I never learnt.”
Being always the first, the Modal marks the NICE properties:
It’s midday …They can’t be still sleeping! = es mediodía… ¡no pueden estar aún durmiendo/durmiendo todavía!
Perfective second
If there is a modal and the perfective auxiliary, first the modal, then the perfective, ALWAYS in bare infinitive:
They must have finished by now = Ya tienen que haber terminado/ Seguro que ya han terminado.
Progressive third
If there is a modal and the perfective and progressive auxiliary, first the modal, then the perfective, ALWAYS in bare infinitive, then the progressive in past participle:
For all I know, they might have been calling for help =
No sé, pero a lo mejor/tal vez/ quizá estuvieron pidiendo ayuda.
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