They can be done individually or in Combination and are what we consider the "Foundations" to prepare well for the Competitive Exam:
- If you are working on your own, without Zoom classes or tutoring, you can choose which course you do, although we strongly recommend you do the full pack.
- If you are combining the Foundation with classes and tutoring via Zoom, you need to do the full PoppieS Foundation 1-2-3.
- If you need further info, visit our website or send us a message via email or WhatsApp
PoppieS Foundation 1 consists of 6 Modules where we focus on honing your essay-writing skills. We cover 25 topics dealing with Methodology, Language Learning Theories and Communicative Competences, from the current 1993 list.
There are workbooks and assignments to help you understand the contents better and practise essay writing. Also, some video presentations of key contents.
- Teacher: PoppieS NG
- Enrolled students: 40
This is the second of the full Poppies Foundation 1-2-3 Pack and combines seamlessly with Foundation 1 & 3 (Topics & Syllabus).
PoppieS Foundation 2 also consists of 6 modules where we practise various listening activities, text analysis of different types —all connected to the topics and to aspects of the syllabus— and translations.
To design the activities in this course, we have taken into account past exam papers from various Autonomous Regions, the contents of the topics covered in PF1 and aspects we deem useful for PF3.
Besides, the course contains
- Several quizzes to practice lexis, semantics and structural conversion.
- 6 quizzes to help you with rhetorical and Stylistic issues which may come up in this part of the exam.
- Various mock exams from past years.
- You can do this course separately, but we strongly recommend you do the full pack.
- If you are preparing Escuelas, you can do PoppieS Foundation 1 and PoppieS Foundation 2 until further notice.
- Teacher: PoppieS NG
- Enrolled students: 38
This is the third course of the POPPIES Foundation 1-2-3.
PoppieS Foundation 3 consists of 6 Modules, updated for the academic years 2023-2025, that seamlessly combine with the other two courses making up the full Foundation 1-2-3 Pack.
Needless to say, it takes into account current legislation.
We start with the key element in our syllabus, regardless of legislation: our students and their needs, together with the structure of our syllabus and Learning Situation Design.
Then, we move from how to structure our syllabi and units/Learning Situations, through key documents & Competences, setting objectives & ELO/Attainment Targets, distributing the contents into the units that make up our syllabus, preparing the oral presentation, etc., all this in line with the assessment criteria and the Key Competence Descriptors.
We also look into some teaching ideas, the use of ICTs, how the syllabus combines with the topics in PF1, and tips and approaches to cater for all our students' needs. The materials dealt with here have served us to draft the new version of our book: to update it to the new legislation.
It will be ready at the beginning of September 2024 if everything goes as planned.
- Teacher: PoppieS NG
- Enrolled students: 38