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Oposiciones Profesores Canarias 2018: Inscripción hasta el 22 de mayo

Oposiciones Profesores Canarias 2018: The public call was published on  2nd May 2018.

  •  Secondary English teachers: 67 places in total (55+5+7)
  • Official School of Language English teachers: 9 places in total (8+1)

Exam Contents for Secundaria & Official Schools of Languages

Like everywhere else, the exam consists of 2 parts.  You need to pass the first in order to be a candidate for the second.

Part 1

This part consists of two:

Part 1.A. Secundarias

  • This part consists of a practical exercise where candidates need show their knowledge and mastery of linguistic and teaching skills in English.

Candidates will choose one out of the three practical cases proposed by the Examining Board and related to English language learning as part of the curriculum. The Board will state the context around which the candidates need to design their action plan.
The practical cases shall refer to Decrees 315/2015, of 28 August and 83/2016, of 4th July, respectively laying down the organisation and curricula of Compulsory and Non-Compulsory Secondary Education in the Autonomous Region of Canarias.

2.- Assessment criteria for this part

The Board will assess the extent to which the candidate

  • Knows current legislation on education for their subject.
  • Shows, through their action plan, knowledge of the subject matter and mastery of language and teaching skills.
  • Includes an approach that fosters competence acquisition and development.
  • Proposes an action plan, methodological and organisational and teaching and learning strategies in an inclusive school environment.
  • Particular attention shall be paid in this regard to the appropriacy of:
    • the methodological, didactic and organisational approaches.
    • the contextualisation proposed in the practical case (educational level of students, resources, the school environment, the students’ specific needs, their diversity, etc.)
    • the explanation of the principles and strategies which promote collaborative work, student-grouping, organisation of teaching-learning spaces, variety and appropriacy of didactic materials and resources in line with methodological approaches, the integration of ICT resources, and how cross-curricula issues and education in values are dealt with in the proposed action plan.
    • the inclusion of innovative education parametres.
    • the specification and appropriacy of the tasks or activities to the action plan proposed, bearing in mind the level and educational needs and diversity of the students.
    • the reference to assessment criteria and the appropriate explanation of the rationale behind the assessment procedures and tools.
  • Caters for the diverse students’ needs with an inclusive focus.
  • Shows communicative competence in terms of spelling, lexis, coherence and cohesion, terminology precision, etc.

Part 1.A. Official Schools of Languages

  • Listening:

A 10′ audio will be played twice. Candidates need to answer questions proposed by the Examining Board.

  • Questions on language

10 questions related to language use which may present particular learning problems. The answer to these questions should include explanations from a linguistic and didactic viewpoint. The questions will be on spelling, phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, lexis, register, text grammar, sociolinguistics and any other aspect the Examining Board may present.

2.- Assessment Criteria for this part:
The Examining Board will assess candidates according to the following criteria:

  • Oral comprehension proficiency.
  • Written expression proficiency.
  • Level of Communicative competence.
  • Ability to analyse —in a clear, well-organised and precise fashion— linguistic features  using appropriate linguistic and meta-linguistic terminology.
  • Ability to provide useful explanations that make language learning possible in terms of difficult language features.

To prepare for this part,

we highly recommend our  “Volumen Práctico”, which includes:

  • Language practice of the kind you may find in the exam, particularly in terms of: 
    • Various activities on language practice, including homophones, homographs, synonyms, antonyms, multi-word verbs, idiomatic expressions, etc. 
    • Activities covering some methodological or didactic procedures with specific examples for the Canary Islands 
  • In the book on Text analysis, you will also find detailed analyses of words and expressions, which are likely to be the type you find in the exam.
  • Finally, the Foundation & Building Block Courses, we also cover a variety of questions which may be the type proposed by the board. You may also find our post on text analysis of help.
As usual, I am counting on you, candidates, to get back to me once you’ve done the exam and let me know the specific questions so that we can incorporate them in future texts, as we did in 2017, where we incorporated some of the aspects covered in the Autonomous Regions of Canarias and Galicia in the Inglés Volumen Práctico.
  • The time assigned for Part 1A in the call Oposiciones Canarias 2018 is of two hours maximum.
  • This part represents 60% of the total mark for Part 1.

Part 1. B. Essay

This year 2018, you will have to write one essay on one of the 5 topics which will come out in the draw from the list of 69. You have two hours to do it. Remember to follow the advice given to you here and in our mini-course. This part represents 40% of the total mark of the first part.

Part 1 will last 4 hours in total without interruption.

Part 2

You need to hand in 2 copies of your syllabus design when the panel establishes (two days after the marks for the 1st part have been published).

All the requirements your syllabus design needs to meet, together with the elements you need to include in your oral presentation are described in the Official Gazette of the Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias, please check Annexes I & IV.  It is important to bear in mind that you have 15 minutes for the rationale, the complete didactic unit cannot last more than 30 minutes, and the debate 15 minutes. The Syllabus Design needs to be between 25 and 50 pages (both sides) long including annexes and indexes and excluding front page. The font is 11 Times or Times New Roman, single spacing. Check all the details in the Official Gazette, particularly Annexes IV for the Syllabus Design and V for the Unit. Also for the Legislation  .

Our   will help you with this part

And, since one person who got the book via Amazon thinks that the book has some very interesting things but if you are starting from scratch you may need some further help, here’s my offer:

Send me an email saying where and when you got the book and I’ll send you the Guide I use in the Poppies Courses to help my students with it.

Syllabus Design Course

Also, I have put together a Course to guide you, with videos and extra workbooks to make sure that you produce a syllabus design which meets all the requirements

In any case, I am happy to hear your comments and questions. I’ll reply to them whenever possible, and will always take them into account to help you in the future.

Desde sus orígenes, el objetivo de PoppieS es ayudarte en la preparación de la oposición a profesores de inglés y contribuir a que la escuela pública ofrezca la enseñanza de calidad –de y en lengua inglesa– que tus alumnos necesitan en el s. XXI

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