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Teacher Training Courses in Madrid

Are you an English teacher in the  Autonomous Region of Madrid?

Do you -or would you like to- teach at a bilingual school?

Then you may be interested in a course by Rachel R. Vidal: Formación para Profesores de Secundaria en el Curriculum Avanzado de Inglés. The course was originally scheduled to start this weekend, but  has been put off, with no specific date for it. It was organised by the Colegio de Doctores y Licenciados in Madrid.

Why do I recommend this course?

At the beginning of this week my dear ex-trainee, colleague and friend Begoña PB-F sent me and email recommending the course. I would have posted the information earlier but I am very busy with the POPPIES’ courses  (Preparación Oposiciones Profesores Inglés) and, as some of you may know, my dear husband and colleague, Vernon Nash, is not feeling too good at the moment and needs all his family attention, love and care.  
Bego tells me that Rachel is currently the coordinator of the bilingual section at the  IES José Luis Sampedro (Tres Cantos), where she met her. She also says that working with Rachel gave her the opportunity to discover about “bilingualism” in Madrid schools, and how to implement all the theory she had been studying for years. 

I am fully aware of all the controversy around the Bilingual Programme in Madrid, and that many of you are convinced it is creating a two-tier system, which is what Public Schools should not do. We may deal again with the issue, as I have done at some other point. I am also aware that you/we all are up to our necks in work, but Bego recommends the course, so I cannot do but the same: for you or for anybody else who may find it useful.

If/when I find out about the new schedule for the course, I’ll let you know. Or you can phone the Colegio de Doctores y Licenciados and find out. When you’ve done the course, I’d love to hear about the experience and the things you’ve learnt.

Remember: this is lifelong learning on the go!

Desde sus orígenes, el objetivo de PoppieS es ayudarte en la preparación de la oposición a profesores de inglés y contribuir a que la escuela pública ofrezca la enseñanza de calidad –de y en lengua inglesa– que tus alumnos necesitan en el s. XXI

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  1. Nieves Feito
    Feb 21, 2016

    Thanks for the information!

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