Teacher Training Courses in Madrid
Are you an English teacher in the Autonomous Region of Madrid?
Do you -or would you like to- teach at a bilingual school?
Why do I recommend this course?
I am fully aware of all the controversy around the Bilingual Programme in Madrid, and that many of you are convinced it is creating a two-tier system, which is what Public Schools should not do. We may deal again with the issue, as I have done at some other point. I am also aware that you/we all are up to our necks in work, but Bego recommends the course, so I cannot do but the same: for you or for anybody else who may find it useful.
If/when I find out about the new schedule for the course, I’ll let you know. Or you can phone the Colegio de Doctores y Licenciados and find out. When you’ve done the course, I’d love to hear about the experience and the things you’ve learnt.
Remember: this is lifelong learning on the go!
Thanks for the information!